Ophelia Deering
gender | cis female |
pronouns | she/her |
age | 31 y/o |
birthday | July 7th |
sector | III |

Major Arcana
currently | the empress |
previously | the seamstress |
weapon | giant sewing scissors |
ability | Red string manipulation |
Ophelia can create, shape and manipulate the red string of fate. She can create an limitless amount of red strings and extend them at any distance and the strings never tear apart, as it is practically indestructible. She can as well control the relationship of those bonded by the strings, or even completely remove their bond. The strings can be used to physically bind and tie around individuals as well.
Depending on the individual, the coloration of a string can get complicated and be mixed, thus below is a basic table explaining the root colors and their meanings.
String Color | Meaning |
White | Acquaintances, Just met, Neutral |
Light Grey | Suspicious, Unsure of, Uneasy |
Grey | Distrust, Disgust |
Black | Hate, Loathing |
Yellow | Surface level respect, Starting to like you |
Orange | Friendship (The darker the orange, the stronger the friendship.) |
Light Pink | Affection (Platonic) |
Pink | Crush, Puppy Love |
Red | Love, Romance (The darker the red the more romantically in love they are, BUT if it starts to look more black than red you may have problems.) |
Green | Jealousy, Envy (The darker the green the more toxic/single-minded said feeling is.) |
Blue | Sorrow, Longing/Yearning, Guilt, Grief |
Purple | Lust (The more pink it is, the more crush-leaning it is. however the darker/more blue it is, the less innocent it is.) |
Gold | Respect, Admiration, Idolization, Parasocial Relationship |
Silver | Familial love |
Brown/Muted Color | This one is interesting, as it usually signifies the death of a close friend, loved one, or family member. |
Some colors may be associated with abilities! Depending on the individual and the workings of their ability, sometimes strings can react strangely in turn.
Neon Navy Blue | Deals made by Noah (These haven’t been seen yet and will be a bit confusing to her until she figures out what they are.) |
String Shadow | This is another not yet known "color" between Terry and Bete, as their bond is something of a conundrum. She’s not sure what this is as even if the actual string is snipped, the shadow remains. |
♋︎ ☼ | ♈︎ ☽ | ♎︎ ↑ | ♊︎ ♀
✔ Friendly | Compassionate | Nurturing ✔
⚬ Joyful | Effeminate | Stylish ⚬
✘ Excitable | Nosey | Sensitive ✘

mbti | INFP-T |
alignment | lawful good |
enneagram | 9w2; social variant |
temperament | phlegmatic |
Ophelia is protective of those she cares about, and of herself too. She's often quite reticent about sharing her inner self to the rest of the world, and is often caught up in reminisce. She resists change to an extent, and concerns herself about being secure and safe in most everything she does. She is often guided by her feelings as she sizes up places, people, and situations based on how they make her feel and what she senses of them. Her love runs deep and she loves people, but she needs her emotional space from time to time — a retreat of sorts is a necessity. Ophelia is a very sensitive individual, and she doesn’t always appreciate it when you are blunt with her. Ophelia takes things very personally, and she deals with problems by facing them right away so that she can then get on with other things. Her flare-ups generally end almost as quickly as they are started. She is, in fact, quite yielding and soft when you have her in the right mood; she is one of the more hospitable characters of the Major Arcana. Sure, she can be touchy and indirect, but she is also a very dependable, caring soul!
There is an inherent impatience with getting what she wants. She lives in the moment and has a hard time waiting for things to happen. Whims of the moment take absolute precedence in her life. Emotional issues take precedence — there is simply no pussy-footing around when it comes to dealing with feelings. And, dealing with new sentiments and needs stirs up a huge desire for activity. Ophelia has a need for acting out her needs, with no time to waste. It is hard for her to see the long-term, or to wait for things to happen.
Ophelia has an unmistakable independent streak. She puts herself right out there in the world, and makes an impression in whatever she does. Others will appreciate that Ophelia rarely sulks or plays any drawn-out games of manipulation. You can pretty much know what she wants at any given time. She is generally ruled by her own emotional needs, and she's not always as concerned about others’ needs during these “emergencies”. Somehow, she has people around her scrambling to help her solve her problems. There’s an aura of childlike innocence around her, even when she's getting her way again, that can be charming indeed!
Everybody seems to like Miss Deering! She just comes across as nice, pleasant, and fair. Ophelia attracts others to her effortlessly. She generally appears to be smoothing everything over. She has a charming smile, a gentle approach with others, and an easygoing image. Ophelia pays a lot of attention to her personal appearance — the colours she wears, her hair, the way she walks. Ophelia can be enormously persuasive, although she will almost always use a “soft sell” approach when she wants to win others over, which is all of the time! A tendency to pass the buck and keep up that “nice gal” image are her worst qualities. However, she can make an excellent mediator and will generally be the first to accommodate you.
Ophelia sometimes gets involved in relationships solely out of curiosity. She is innately curious about people, and is eternally fascinated by social interactions. Curiosity motivates her on romantic and social levels. “Variety is the spice of life” is her attitude in love, in social relationships, and with personal possessions. She is sociable, communicative, and interested. She can be animated and fun but may also keep her distance on an emotional level. Attractions often begin with words, as she tends to bond more readily on a mental level.
Middle child born in the 1930s.
Grew up relatively poor but her parents always got by.
Helped a lot at her dad’s barbershop and around the house.
Went to an all black high school and graduated with flying colors, although developed her nosey habits as a teenager.
When she got warped into modern New York City, she was most certainly disoriented. Thankfully, Paradigm was right there to help her! She was sorted under The Empress, taking up the vassal title as The Seamstress.
When her patron retired she took up the title as The Empress.
Recently has taken up her own vassals; she hopes to get along swell with them all!
Rahotep || Friend || Likes to go to Rahotep to tell him things. He may not respond much but that's okay! Secrets are safe with him.
Cassiopeia || Adorable || Lord, he's so sweet! He reminds her of her own little siblings.
Phi || Friend || This kid really just needs a friend. So if he doesn’t have anybody else he’s got Ophelia!
Jeremy || Colleague || He doesn’t really seem to like her all that much….
Ilex || Friend || They're gossip buddies, they always have the juiciest tidbits.
Ulric || Friend || They get along! He's a gentleman towards her!
Skadi || Attraction || T-tall... strong... oh dear...
Jericho || ??? || Tries to relate to Jericho, although the other isn't too interested in reciprocating.
Dakota || Colleague || Likes talking with her about many things, especially over tea!
Lucas || ??? || Gets along with him- unless he's causing too much trouble for others.
Narcy || Vassal || ...
Ara || Vassal || ...
Rory || Vassal || ...
Fae || ... || ...
Noah || ... || ...
Brian || ... || ...
voice claim Cat Valentine
height 5'8'' (172 cm)
Has a beauty mark on her right cheek.
Holds tea time with Dakota often.
Will pet ANY animal (if they allow her). often has baked treats to dole out as well.